Facilitator Manual - practical guide
Facilitator manual is a major body of work I wrote and delivered over a 15 year period. It has been revised, updated and renamed a few times. This is the latest version for downloading as an PDF file. Over 400 pages of valuable insights and practices for you to deliver to your classes, and circles.
It will give you step by step instructions on how to facilitate your own creative expression groups - or what name you decide to call in for your circle of 8. Circles of 8 are my recommendation for creating a strong and safe space for people to grow and share and create.
The role of faciliator is to hold compassionate care for the people in your group. I recommend rotation of facilitators each month for developing self compassion and capacity to care for others wellbeing and fulfillment in life. Meeting each week for two hours for as long as you all wish to continue. Supporting each other to lead fulfilling lives no matter what your circumstances are... we are in this together! Made with so much love, sweat and tears, Simonette